Responsibility for the future, discover our ESG agenda.

We want to help build a more sustainable, fair and better world for everyone. Everything we do, and how we do it, is guided by the ESG agenda.
Conducting activities in a responsible manner, promoting the socioeconomic development of the communities where it operates, contribute to its purpose.

Promoting sustainability in all its production processes is a principle experienced daily at Tanac.
TANAC aims to promote environmental responsibility daily among its more than 1,500 employees.
Tanac believes in the balance between the use and preservation of environmental resources. The raw material of all products comes from renewable sources, through the
responsible management of its forests. But our growth would not be complete without including the economic and social development of the communities where we are.
Environmental and quality certifications have proven the seriousness of our involvement and excellence of what we do.
Conduct activities in a responsible manner, minimize impacts on the environment, promote
socioeconomic development of the communities and surrounding areas where it operates.
Our purpose:
- Produce without exhausting the resources of the environment.
- Preserve biodiversity and natural ecosystems in forest management areas.
- Provide human resources qualification, personal and professional growth.
- Rationalize production costs, reinvent ways as to not interfere in Nature’s course.
- Strictly control the emission of gases into the atmosphere, keeping its Carbon Footprint positive, follow the concept of zero water discharge in the production of extracts.

We value diversity and contribute to the development of the communities where we operate.
Respect for people and nature is in our DNA. Each initiative demonstrates the care and concern with everyone’s evolution.
Since 2007, we have been partners of APAE, in the “Oficina de Produção Protegida” in Montenegro/RS, where we seek to guarantee the universal right to paid work for people with disabilities and contribute to their social integration and community life. The program encourages the development of people and promotes the inclusion of important aspects for TANAC, which also contributes to the development of the work of APAE in Rio Grande/RS.
Collaborating for the construction of a sustainable future through education, we have the “Abrace a Natureza”(Embrace Nature) Project, which includes visits in our manufacturing units, actions with the communities in which we operate, considering social and environmental aspects. In one of our forest units, we have the “Caminho das Figueiras” Ecological Trail, which integrates the community with nature, arousing interest and raising awareness about the importance of environmental preservation. And finally, the “Qualificar” Project, open to producers and nursery owners, which aims to technically qualify them to carry out their activities. We want to leave a positive legacy for future generations!
We are also partners of the “Eco Pila” Project of Montenegro and Pareci Novo (RS). The social initiative acts in the economy, education, and environment, promoting a culture of care for nature
and encouraging economic development of municipalities. The “Eco Pila” Project contributes significantly to the reduction of waste generation through recycling and reuse, using a social currency in the economic transactions of waste.
We are always active in the development of municipalities, assessing their needs and contributing to their evolution, always embracing aspects such as: reduction of inequalities and hunger, health, culture, diversity and inclusion, education, and socio-environmental aspects.
Social Responsibility is part of our strategy and is present in our daily lives!

Respect for People, Human Rights and Working Conditions
We follow the strictest internationally recognized and approved standards relating to international human rights, professional ethics and working conditions. And in this way, we expect our Business Partners to do the same.
Our principles and values are inviolable and based on the laws of the countries in which we operate.
This document reflects our constant search for excellence and commitment to conducting business in a transparent and fair manner.
Click here to downloadAny non-compliance or issue related to the conduct of Employees, Consultants,
Service Providers, or any of our Business Partners must be reported immediately to our Ethics Channel and may be done confidentially and anonymously.
ETHICS CHANNEL – Call: 0800 601 8698